The Queen: Michelle

The Queen: Michelle
I am 28 years old. Still a princess but the queen of my family. Spoiled beyond belief. Lucky and truely blessed. A lover. A crafter. A mother. A wife. A friend. This is me.

My King: Junior

My King: Junior
The LOVE of my life! He completes me and balances me out in every way. He's a workaholic. He's loud, blunt, and crazy. He drinks Monsters like his life depends on it. Above all he is the greatest Daddy I could ever ask for, for my children. And he treats me like his Queen (and he calls me that too).

The Model Child: Diego Ray

The Model Child: Diego Ray
9 years old. My only boy. He is the epitome of the perfect child. He is so responsible and independent. Wise beyond his years. He is laughter, he is love, he is compassion, he is simply amazing. He keeps me grounded and reminds me always that I am beautiful. He is a natural born leader and takes care of the household and family better than me!

The Diva: Alayna Danae

The Diva: Alayna Danae
7 years old. She is drama. My fashionista for sure with a style all her own. Sensitive and loving when she wants to be. Thumbsucker. My biggest headache because she is the most like me. She is the only one who can cause me to become uncontrollably angry. She loves to dance. She loves to model. My bookworm and most academic.

The Wild Child: Arielle Marie-Grace

The Wild Child: Arielle Marie-Grace
4 years old. This one is something else. She is pure comedy. Never a dull moment with her crazy antics. She is also the crybaby. She does things her own way. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to be cute to get it. My Disney loving pal. So girly. Her favorite color is pink. Loves Rapunzel. Will wear a dress every single day. Can't leave the house without a bow in her hair. She refuses.

The Munchkin: Atalie Belle

The Munchkin: Atalie Belle
2 years old. My sweet baby. She loves her Mommy above all else. She is a cuddlebug for sure. The calmest most well behaved baby ever! But she has TONS of energy. She is so small and petite. She loves to sing and dance. She so SO ready for ballet and has yet to even step foot in a class. She loves Minnie Mouse and watching Disney Jr. She is hilarious and talks way too much.
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

New Teeth

Diego finally got in to see the dentist where they filled his cavities and fixed his front teeth. First I had to get my appointment which can only be on a Monday because I can't take the girls and that's Jr's day off. So it was a month and a half before they could see him on a Monday. Then he had to get a release from his cardiologist because of his heart murmur in case he was going to need extra meds since they were going to sedate him. So it got pushed back another month. Then the day came and he woke up with a high temp and vomiting. So I had to call and reschedule and be pushed back another month. The initial appointment was for December and we're in April now... goodness. They are not complete yet but he'll have another appointment later.

So Jr went with him, since only one person could be there, while I stayed with the girls and took my Mom to the Dr.

In the initial appointment I had taken Diego and Jr stayed with the girls so they explained to me how the procedure was going to go. They gave me all the run down... No eating or drinking anything after midnight the night before... he had to wear a short sleeved shirt (his friend from school's Mom works there so she gave him a shirt from the dentist office and told him whenever he wears it to his appointments he'll get 2 gifts from the treasure box instead of just one... so he was excited)... and to be there 15 minutes before appointment time. They also explained to me that it would be a 2 1/2 hour procedure, only one person was allowed with him, and he would be fully sedated and once the procedure began no one was allowed in the room. She also explained the techniques they use if children resist and so on. Well when I explained it all to Jr (because he decided he wanted to take him) he was fine. Well maybe because it actually took so long to reach this day he forgot everything I told him... and he flipped out when I told him he couldn't be in the room while the procedure was going on. It was funny. He mumbled some words to the effect of... "I don't care what they say, I will be in there... someone can take my kid... something can happen to him... he might need me... they better have a window..."

About an hour later he calls to give me an update. They had knocked him out and kicked him out of the room. He was still annoyed about not being in there but he said he was sitting outside. I couldn't help but laugh. He gets mad at me and says I baby him too much still and that I am overprotective sometimes... and he's exactly the same way.

Once he got home he slept until the late afternoon. But he did good. I am proud of him. He wasn't even scared. I hate dentists and haven't been in many years. Seriously I get anxiety just thinking about it...

So here's a before and after:

And quickly a funny story:

(We're driving in the car and I look back at Diego)

Me: Oh no my baby looks like a beaver!
Jr: No he looks like a horse.
Diego: Actually I look like Spongebob...
(Jr and I look at eachother... come to the same realization... and we all laugh our butts off)
::2 minutes later Alayna looks at Diego::
Alayna: You're right Dad, Diego does look like a horse...

1 comment:

Ariana Sullivan said...

Oh my goodness his teeth look awesome!

The whole pushed back from December to April thing doesn't surprise me. Isn't it CRAZY with kids how something as simple as a dentist appointment can take so much effort to get done! It's insane!

I think it's adorable that your hubby was upset he couldn't be in the room. I would be too!

But all the effort was worth it. Diego's smile is gorgeous.

Oh and I do love his hair ;)