The Queen: Michelle

The Queen: Michelle
I am 28 years old. Still a princess but the queen of my family. Spoiled beyond belief. Lucky and truely blessed. A lover. A crafter. A mother. A wife. A friend. This is me.

My King: Junior

My King: Junior
The LOVE of my life! He completes me and balances me out in every way. He's a workaholic. He's loud, blunt, and crazy. He drinks Monsters like his life depends on it. Above all he is the greatest Daddy I could ever ask for, for my children. And he treats me like his Queen (and he calls me that too).

The Model Child: Diego Ray

The Model Child: Diego Ray
9 years old. My only boy. He is the epitome of the perfect child. He is so responsible and independent. Wise beyond his years. He is laughter, he is love, he is compassion, he is simply amazing. He keeps me grounded and reminds me always that I am beautiful. He is a natural born leader and takes care of the household and family better than me!

The Diva: Alayna Danae

The Diva: Alayna Danae
7 years old. She is drama. My fashionista for sure with a style all her own. Sensitive and loving when she wants to be. Thumbsucker. My biggest headache because she is the most like me. She is the only one who can cause me to become uncontrollably angry. She loves to dance. She loves to model. My bookworm and most academic.

The Wild Child: Arielle Marie-Grace

The Wild Child: Arielle Marie-Grace
4 years old. This one is something else. She is pure comedy. Never a dull moment with her crazy antics. She is also the crybaby. She does things her own way. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to be cute to get it. My Disney loving pal. So girly. Her favorite color is pink. Loves Rapunzel. Will wear a dress every single day. Can't leave the house without a bow in her hair. She refuses.

The Munchkin: Atalie Belle

The Munchkin: Atalie Belle
2 years old. My sweet baby. She loves her Mommy above all else. She is a cuddlebug for sure. The calmest most well behaved baby ever! But she has TONS of energy. She is so small and petite. She loves to sing and dance. She so SO ready for ballet and has yet to even step foot in a class. She loves Minnie Mouse and watching Disney Jr. She is hilarious and talks way too much.
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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Telling Diego

I dreaded this the most. When I woke the kids at 4am in the morning to be taken to my cousin's house... I still didn't even know what was going on. Luckily for most of the day my cousin and her husband kept all 3 kids at their house while we went to my Dad's. Lots of people were bringing food, coffee, desserts, and everything they could think of. I napped off an on the rest of the morning.

By late afternoon our kids were finally on their way to my parent's house. I was so nervous. Jr and I couldn't sit still. Once they arrived and before they had a chance to see everyone's crying faces we pulled Diego aside and walked him straight into what used to be their bedroom. And the first thing out of his mouth was, "Where's my Jamma?" But as we took a few seconds to answer his smile quickly faded. My Mom always said he was 6 going on 30... and I know she was right. It is such a blur what I told him exactly... but I know I started out with... "You know Jamma has been sick for a while... and this morning we had to go to the hospital to be with her again. And I'm sorry baby, but she died..." And that's when I lost it. And so did he. Diego has always been smarter and more maturer than kids his age and he knows what it means to die. Jr and I held him for like 10 minutes and let him cry. And we cried. How hard it is to tell your 6 year old son that they greatest person in his life has just passed away. My heart was completely broken for him. I had her for 25 years. And he didn't. We told him she loved him the best always. He was her baby. Her buddy. and as long as he never forgot her she would always live in his heart. Because physically we would no longer get to see her... but in his heart she can live forever. In his memories she could live forever. And that would never die. Jr had a hard time seeing him that way. So I asked Diego if there was anything he wanted to say or if he had anything to ask... I didn't want him holding anything in. He asked, "Was it because she smoked?" I explained to him smoking was bad (he was always on her case about it) but assured him that it wasn't the cigarettes that caused it. Because I know Diego and he'll start to worry about Jr next and his smoking. He worries about everything enough as it is. Then he choked out, "That means I won't get to see her again and I can;t even kiss her anymore." And his crying began all over again. And again my heart broke. I wish I could shelter him from everything, I wish I could magically take away all his pain. I am 25... I can handle it. It would take time but I can deal. But my 6 year old was dealing with emotions that I never had to deal with until I was 20 years old when my Grandpa passed away. I had years of memories and stories of my Abuelito... where as he won't have that. It's unfair.

Grandpa came and joined us soon after and we held him and cried some more. And we agreed that we'd make a scrapbook all about her. Diego's main concern was that his new sister will never get to meet her. And we want to make sure that all his sisters remember their Jamma and that he never forgets her as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm officially sobbing. Poor Diego. I hate that he's having to go through all this stuff. It sucks.